
The Importance of a New Home Warranty

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As a homeowner, one of the most important investments you can make is the procurement of a home warranty. 

Without a mortgage insurance approved warranty, you may not even be eligible for a mortgage for your new home. 

A new home warranty is a contract between the homeowner and the builder / developer, and it helps protect the homeowner from costly repair bills in the event of unexpected defects.

Essential Homeowner Maintenance: Keeping Your Home in Shape

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Owning a home is a major investment and comes with the homeowner’s responsibility of proper maintenance. Regular upkeep and preventive measures not only enhance the comfort of your home but also protect its long-term value. In this blog post, we will talk about some essential homeowner home maintenance tasks that can help you keep your home in top shape.

How Often Should I Check My Smoke Alarm?

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There are various things that will be added to your housekeeping checklist when it comes to being a homeowner. Fortunately, ensuring that your smoke alarm is functioning properly only takes a few minutes out of your day, once a month. With these simple steps, your smoke alarm could last up to ten years